"Who will have all men to be saved,
and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."

1 Timothy 2:4

Welcome - we are glad you're here!

At Columbus Bible Church, we center our lives on the gospel of the grace of God and the truth of His word, rightly divided. We believe and preach salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we study God’s word with a focus on the distinctive apostleship of Paul as outlined in his epistles. Our mission, in accordance with God's will as expressed in 1 Timothy 2:4, is for all people to come to salvation and the knowledge of the truth, finding peace with God and life in Christ. We invite you to join us for study, prayer, worship, and fellowship! Our in-person meetings are on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Online studies are available for those unable to join us locally. Explore our website and reach out to us to learn more. We’d be delighted to meet you and help you know for certain that you have eternal life, and we welcome you to grow with us in the knowledge of the truth!

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Recent sermons and studies:

Paul’s Second Journey Part 1 - Acts 15:36-Acts 17:34
Oct 13, 2024    Gabriel Sellers
Did Peter S. Ruckman Believe In Verbatim Identicality Of Wording As The Standard For Preservation?
Bryan Ross
What about Ashkenazi Jews?
Oct 9, 2024    David Reid
Oct 6, 2024    David Reid
2024.10.2 Wednesday Evening Q&A Bible Study
Oct 2, 2024    David Reid
The Two Big Things
Sep 29, 2024    David Reid
2024.9.25 Wednesday Evening Q&A Bible Study
Sep 25, 2024    David Reid
Common Gospel Objections
Sep 22, 2024    David Reid
Gospel Quiz Explained
Sep 15, 2024    David Reid
Q300: If angels can't die, what happened to them during the flood?
Sep 4, 2024    David Reid
Q299: Does God hear the prayers of the wicked?
Sep 4, 2024    David Reid
Q298: Are members of the body of Christ Christians?
Sep 4, 2024    David Reid
2024.9.4 Wednesday Evening Q&A Bible Study
Sep 4, 2024    David Reid
Is the Abrahamic Gen 12:3 Promise in Effect During the DoG?
Sep 1, 2024    David Reid
Q297: If Paul reveals the Rapture in 1 Cor 15, how is it that he teaches about it prior in 1 Th 4?
Aug 28, 2024    David Reid
Q296: How should we think about the sabbath during the dispensation of grace?
Aug 28, 2024    David Reid
Q295: Why does the Lord tell the rich young ruler to sell all that he has?
Aug 28, 2024    David Reid
2024.8.28 Wednesday Evening Q&A Bible Study
Aug 28, 2024    David Reid
The Last Shall Be First and the First Last
Aug 25, 2024    David Reid
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Join us as we take a daily journey through the book of Romans!

New lesson posted daily (Mon-Fri) at 5 AM!

These short studies are focused on walking with the believer through Paul's first epistle, helping to provide a strong foundation and leading one to be established in the faith and grounded in Christ.
Looking for Bible studies that are direct and to the point? 

Don’t miss "Single Questions" posted every Tuesday and Thursday at 5 AM! 

These brief, focused studies are designed to enhance Bible study and help deepen your faith and understanding of God's word. 
Q300: If angels can't die, what happened to them during the flood?
Sep 4, 2024    David Reid
Q299: Does God hear the prayers of the wicked?
Sep 4, 2024    David Reid
Q298: Are members of the body of Christ Christians?
Sep 4, 2024    David Reid
Q297: If Paul reveals the Rapture in 1 Cor 15, how is it that he teaches about it prior in 1 Th 4?
Aug 28, 2024    David Reid
Q296: How should we think about the sabbath during the dispensation of grace?
Aug 28, 2024    David Reid
Q295: Why does the Lord tell the rich young ruler to sell all that he has?
Aug 28, 2024    David Reid
Q294: If God knew who would be saved before He created the world, is predestination then true?
Aug 21, 2024    David Reid
Q293: Does Rev 22:19 imply that a believer can lose their salvation?
Aug 21, 2024    David Reid
Q292: How can God pour out His wrath on Israel 2000 yrs after those who rejected Him died?
Aug 21, 2024    David Reid
Q290: What is the significance of the Lord turning water into wine in John 2?
Aug 21, 2024    David Reid
Q289: Should Christians vote and did the founders intend separation between church and state?
Aug 21, 2024    David Reid
Q288: Did God spare Trump's life?
Aug 14, 2024    David Reid
Q287: What does it mean to let your speech be seasoned with salt?
Aug 7, 2024    David Reid
Q286: How should the BoC understand Gal 3:29 and Ro 8:17?
Aug 7, 2024    David Reid
Q291: What is the difference in how the HS operates during the kingdom program and today?
Aug 21, 2024    David Reid
Q285: What does scripture say about the sovereignty of God?
Aug 7, 2024    David Reid
Q284: How do I find cross references?
Aug 7, 2024    David Reid
Q283: Who was Cain's father?
Jul 31, 2024    David Reid
Q282: What does James 2 mean when it says Abraham was justified by works?
Jul 17, 2024    David Reid
Q281: Why did Paul circumcise Timothy after the Acts 15 agreement?
Jul 17, 2024    David Reid
Q280: What is the difference between the new testament and the new covenant?
Jul 10, 2024    David Reid
Q279: Why does the Lord say "get thee behind me Satan" when Satan was in favor of the cross?
Jul 3, 2024    David Reid
Q278: How to reconcile the law being the "yoke of bondage" and also the "law of liberty"?
Jul 3, 2024    David Reid
Q277: Do fallen angels regret rebelling against the Lord and do they hate redeemed humanity?
Jul 3, 2024    David Reid
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"For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures"

- 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 -

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." 

- Romans 5:8 -

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast."

- Ephesians 2:8-9 -

"And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace.
But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work."

- Romans 11:6 -

"As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him"

- Colossians 2:6 -

"And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves,
but unto him which died for them, and rose again."

- 2 Corinthians 5:15 -

"And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law,
but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith"

- Philippians 3:9 -

"...ye are complete in him..."

- Colossians 2:10 -